
Welcome. This web application is a demo for a document certification and timestamping system using the blockchain and merkletrees. You can get more context by reading the following articles:

We certified more than 500k test documents on the blockchain for a few cents. When you receive one of these documents, you may use this application to verify that its content was not tampered with.

Verify a Document:

The first part of this application let's you verify a document signed and timestamp by SingularGarden Inc. You can use the following files to test the application. Click on "Verify File" above and upload the file and it's merkle proof. Note that everything happens client side, the system is designed around durability and privacy.

Valid Document

Invalid Document

Verify a QR Code:

The second part of this application let's you verify an identity signed and timestamped by SingularGarden Inc. You can use the following codes to test the application. Take a picture of the QR Code or click on the link to go to the verificatino app. Again, everything happens client side, the system is designed around durability and privacy.

Verified Identity

Andrew O'Reilly, Principal Group Liaison

valid qr code

Tampered Identity

Andrew O'Reilly, trying to pass as CEO

invalid qr code